A.) I enjoy lots of slow, patient movements with time to relax and soften tissues.

B.) I enjoy a good mix of slow and quicker movements balancing my body.

C.) I prefer the therapist to move at whatever tempo they feel is needed to get the tissues in my pain area to soften and feel better.

D.) I am comfortable with my therapist not moving or not touching for periods of time while they connect to my energy.


A.) I prefer a silent service with minimal talking. 

B.) I don’t mind some talking but still want to have time to myself to slip away and savor the service.

C.) I enjoy back and forth discussions about my body issues and like getting to know my therapist. 

D.) I prefer to sink into a meditative or prayer state during my session. 


A.) It is important that my therapist meet me with compassion and see I am hurting inside just as much as outside. Nurturing and loving.

B.) I am feeling good right now feel so I would like an all over, classic style service. Balancing and feel-good.

C.) I have very specific pain right now and really need my therapist to focus on that area, I don’t care about other spots until that one feels better. Pain/dysfunction relief.

D.) I am feeling drawn towards my higher self and am interested in my energetic body getting in alignment with my intentions.


A.) I prefer tools that feel nice instead of tools that aggravate. 

B.) I am open to some tools for a few trouble spots, but still like a lot of human touch. 

C.) I like when a therapist really gets into my tissues and facia. I welcome any tool that can get the job done.

D.) I love it when a therapist integrates metaphysical tools such as singing bowls, crystals, smudging or chimes, into our session.


A.) I need a quiet, peaceful place to lie down and feel safe.

B.) I am comfortable in most spaces as long as the therapist is taking care of me and it’s nice.

C.) I don’t care much about the room we are working in, I just want to feel better. 

D.) I get excited to be in sacred spaces designed with intention to raising vibrations and cleansed energetically. 


Now add up how many A, B, C and D answers you chose. The letter with the most choices may be your highest self’s true desire.